Thursday, May 2, 2013


My little man waved goodbye to me this morning unprompted for the first time.  That was pretty special.  He even walked into his grandma’s house earlier, waving, “Hi,” unprompted (instead of asking for a Movie).  Unfortunately, she wasn’t actually there to see it.  Maybe he’ll repeat the feat in a couple days.

There are all sorts of different waves.  I thanked a driver for letting me onto the freeway this morning with a wave - and he waved back (a rare and welcome occurrence).  We can wave people over to us, wave people to move ahead of us... there are many uses of the gesture.

I am thankful for the communication of the wave - a brief expressive gesture that can brighten the day.  I have been seeing more of God around me lately, and I have a hard time not smiling.  Each little thing - like a wave - reminds me again and again of God’s presence and sovereignty.  God makes me smile.

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