Monday, February 18, 2013


Job 38:36
"Who has put wisdom in the innermost being or given understanding to 
the mind?"

Previous to taking the Financial Peace University (FPU) class, my husband and I had used Quicken, then, then Quicken Essentials (those last two might have been switched) on our Macintosh computers. The FPU way of budgeting is a little different from these programs, and we were in search of a software that would accommodate budgeting with an envelope system. My husband did some digging around and discovered MoneyWell by No Thirst Software. I’m used to using accounting software, and thus, am used to the way accounting programs “think.” MoneyWell was completely different. It was a little comical to see how my husband was frustrated with previous software we'd used while I was happy navigating it, and I was frustrated with MoneyWell while he was enamored with it’s navigation.

It took me awhile to understand how they were going about handling the money, but once I understood, I realized it really was much easier. I’m glad we switched, because it helps us to spend our money ahead of time without having to do it on paper. It’s one nice neat little package for all your money managing. Praise the Lord for His gift of understanding!

Being on the same page with my husband financially is a true blessing. We sit in front of our computer for about 10 minutes maximum when we get a paycheck, spend the money in the appropriate buckets (MoneyWell’s term for envelopes), and voila! Done! I am thankful God gave us MoneyWell to help my husband and I be on the same page!

What wisdom or understanding has God helped you with lately?

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