Thursday, December 27, 2012


Psalm 91:4b,c
"...and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a 
shield and bulwark."

One of my love languages is touch, so snuggles and cuddles mean a lot to me. A snuggle communicates safety, protection, and love to me. I love snuggling with my little man (my son), who doesn’t do it very often, because he’s always on the go. As a result, I enjoy putting him to bed, when I get to hold him (read snuggle) - and he’s still! - for about fifteen minutes while he drinks his bottle.

Tonight, my husband and I went in to watch him sleep, and he woke up enough that my husband pulled him out of the crib to cuddle a little. He ended up reaching for me, so I got to rock him awhile again. I really enjoy showing him my love and helping him feel safe by snuggling with him!

Though it might be a bit different, I also love to snuggle with my husband for much the same reason. It tells me he loves and protects me, and it’s a way for me to tell him the same (though I think my protection for him runs a little more on the support side!). I am so thankful God created snuggling! Sometimes, God gives me a glimpse of how He snuggles me - often with something I’m thankful for, such as jackets, or rain. Thankfulness helps us see His faithfulness, like it mentions in the psalm above, and "His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark." (Psalm 91:4c)

What shows you God's faithfulness?

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