Saturday, January 11, 2014

Weekly Impressions - More Often at Home

I am so glad that we are staying home more often.  Living far away from friends, job, school, babysitting, etc. has made it very difficult to be home.  However, when we make the effort to be home, I feel much better for being able to accomplish my wifely and motherly home tasks.  I find that the work that my husband is able to do on the house fills one of my wife’s desires, as well.

I’m not much of a homemaker.  I don’t cook much, I don’t mind if the house isn’t spic-and-span, and the laundry is usually just out of the dryer by the time it’s needed.  This is due partly to time, and partly to skills.  I’ve learned that this isn’t really a bad thing.  Most of my skills lie more in the visual and performing arts realm, and so I direct my attention to serving God in those.  

I do, however, have a responsibility to keep my home livable (an incredibly relative term), and to support my husband.  The more often we’re home, the better I feel about being able to meet that responsibility, since it usually gives me more time to devote to it.  

The Lord has taught me how not to be anxious over accomplishing my homemaking tasks:  to do and plan for what I can, and to know that anything more was not in God’s will for me for that day.  God has given me the ability to accomplish what I can, and would give me the strength, time, etc. to do more if He wanted it done.  As long as I have done my best, I can rest in His will for the day, and for the future.

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