Monday, August 13, 2012


Matthew 6:28-29
“And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.”

I am thankful for robes.  The soft plushy ones that almost make you feel like you’re lying in the sun on a warm drowsy day.  It’s relaxing just to put one on.  When I need to get up in the middle of the night with my baby, a plush robe helps keep me sleepy.  

A new mother is usually exhausted, but my husband has been able to take the load at night for awhile.  This has afforded me the chance to catch up on a bit of needed sleep.  However, I used to have a little trouble getting back to sleep, and with the lack of exhaustion, the habit has returned to a small degree.  This makes me appreciate anything that helps to keep me sleepy if and when I do need to get up at night.

That plush cozy robe is just a little touch of heaven as I amble through the dim light to pick up my crying boy.  It gives me a pleasant feeling to keep my mind somewhat unfocused - or focused - on sleep.  In that dreamlike state, it’s easy to think of God’s loving arms around me, soft and cozy.  It’s a lot harder to worry in God’s loving arms.

Now I just have to remember that I’m always in His arms.  Are you casting your cares upon Him?

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