Money can become quite an issue if you don’t know how to handle it. If you are married, however, the greater issue is knowing how to communicate with each other and come to an agreement about how to handle it. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is a great resource to help learn how to do this. (No, this isn’t sponsored.)
Friday, November 30, 2012
Financial Peace University
Money can become quite an issue if you don’t know how to handle it. If you are married, however, the greater issue is knowing how to communicate with each other and come to an agreement about how to handle it. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is a great resource to help learn how to do this. (No, this isn’t sponsored.)
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Psalm 121:5
"The Lord is Your Keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand."
I love the rain. I love the tinkling sound it makes on the roof in the car, and the designs it makes on windows. I love the roaring sound of it pouring down on a building’s rooftop, and the earthy smell that greets your nostrils when you step outside. Colors are more vibrant, which is made more apparent by the relaxing overcast grey.
What reminds you of His love?
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Warning Signals
2 Corinthians 10:5
"We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up agains the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience
of Christ..."
I am thankful God fashioned the world so there’s usually a warning signal before something dangerous occurs. We see it in wear and tear on items, in the pain from touching something hot, and in the quickening of our heartbeat with anger or worry.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Psalm 139:7
"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?"
Fall is filled with such vibrant colors. The contrasts of reds, yellows, oranges, and greens catch your eye for the simple reason that the landscape isn’t usually that color. Each season has its own visual differences, but Fall is the most eye-catching. I am thankful for Fall and how God grabs my attention with His beautiful work.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Beautiful Views
Luke 12:7a
"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
There’s just something about looking out your window and seeing a beautiful view. I smile and relax every time I’m at someone’s house and am able to do that. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t my view. I just love seeing what God has wrought.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Weekly Impressions - Success and Failure
Lamentations 3:22-23
“The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.”
Great is Your faithfulness.”
Friday, November 23, 2012
Answered Prayer
Philippians 2:13
"...for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to
work for His good pleasure."
My husband, my son, and I went to my sister’s house to spend Thanksgiving with family. She lives nearly two hours away, which isn’t a big deal, but I’d never driven it before, and was a little leery of driving it in Thanksgiving traffic. My biggest fear was of tule fog on the way home. I had been a passenger in a car in tule fog before... I did not want to drive in tule fog!
The week leading up to Thanksgiving found me answering the common question: “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?” I replied with the request to pray for no tule fog, and for a safe trip. As you can tell, I was a little anxious about it.
Thanksgiving came and it was time to make the drive. We got my one-year-old and his peripherals all packed into the car and set off. All-in-all, I don’t think there was really enough traffic to slow us down on the way to my sister’s, and I didn’t see anyone swerving, so God put my mind at ease about Thanksgiving traffic on our particular trek. Likely, the hardest part about it was trying to find a parking spot - which was really quite easy as soon as I noticed my sister directing me into her driveway.
To make a long story short, we had a wonderful and blessed time at their home. We enjoyed meeting her husband’s side of the family and my son got to meet a cousin who was only a couple months younger than he. My son melted hearts when he reached over and hugged his cousin. Time flew by and it was now time to make the drive back.
Now came the moment I had been anxious about... would there be any fog? Worse, would there be tule fog? My family was a little worried, too. We stepped outside of their comfortable home and into a mist... of fog. I looked about in worry and dismay, trying to gauge how thick it was. The street lights lit the fog in a damp yellow haze and I found it difficult to make out the house across the street.
Well... it wasn’t tule fog, but it certainly wasn’t a light fog. I didn’t know what it would be like on the road. My sister offered her home to stay the night, and I was tempted to accept, but my husband wanted to go home. So we headed out with the promise to return if we encountered tule fog.
I could feel my anxiety rising into my chest as my husband navigated me out of the neighborhood. The fog wasn’t getting any better. What if I couldn’t see someone walking across the street? What if we got far enough we couldn’t turn back? What if the fog thickened around us instead of just being a wall in front we could turn around and avoid? I tried to keep calm and not think of the what-ifs as I drove; an anxious driver isn’t a very good driver.
We got onto the highway. I could see the car in front of me... I could see a car a fair way behind me... I could see the street lights lighting other city streets with their yellow glow. This wasn’t so bad. But what if... no. Don’t think about the what-ifs.
About a minute later, the fog cleared, and the yellow lights made pools on the black streets instead of in the air. I could see the moon like another yellow pool of light in the sky. We left the city behind and the stars shone their tiny points of light through my window to form constellations. No fog.
I breathed deeply, trying to rid myself of the effects of my anxiety. I could just see God smiling down at me and saying, “You see? I know what you need. I could have taken care of you in the fog, too. But just to show you I love you, I took it all away.”
We didn’t encounter a single bit of fog during the rest of the two-hour ride home. In fact, it didn’t even take two hours, because there was so little traffic. Not only did He answer prayer about the fog, but for most of the ride home, I had only two other cars around me, and they were even going about my speed. It was an easier drive home than it had been heading over to my sister’s. God is so good.
The fact is, He always answers our prayers. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes the answer is no, and sometimes (often it seems to be most of the time) His answer is the hardest one to take: wait. God knows my fears, my cares, my desires, and my needs. He also knows just how to allay my fears, take on my cares, align my desires with His, and meet my needs. It is toward these ends, as well as for His purposes and glory, that He will answer “yes,” “no,” or “wait.” I have no reason to be anxious. So I am thankful for answered prayer.
Just to show me His love, He didn’t prove to me yet again, that He can lead me through what I fear. This time, He let me off the hook and just said, “I love you.” Because it was
His good pleasure.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
History isn’t fun for me when I have to memorize dates and write reports. History is fun, though, when I get to hear the stories and to see God’s hand throughout time. Today is Thanksgiving Day, and we in the United States typically associate this day with the story of the pilgrims who sailed to America and would have starved but for the indians who taught them how to survive, so that they reaped a successful harvest.
God works through the incredibly small things in our lives to direct the course of history. I wonder at all of the little things that God orchestrated in the pilgrim’s lives to put them where they were for that Thanksgiving. Imagine the sheer number of the little things that He has done in the lives of those in the world since then to bring us to where we are today.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I know that we have internet radio now like Pandora and Spotify that allow us to listen to whatever music we desire. Those radio stations, however, lack one thing: DJ’s. I love listening to K-LOVE, because not only is the music encouraging, but so are the DJ’s.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Hebrews 12:11
"All discipline for the moment, seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful
fruit of righteousness."
Trees add a beauty to the landscape that no other type of plant can duplicate. They add height and lush color (more often than not). While on a high concrete overpass in Portland, Oregon I remember being unable to see most of the city’s buildings because they were hidden among the “canopy” of the myriad trees.
Monday, November 19, 2012
God's Friendship
I love knowing that I’m never alone. I love the peace of knowing that God is in control, and that all of my circumstances are within His power, and are determined by His love for me. I love being able to talk to God - whenever. He is always with me, by my side. He guides me, He carries me, He walks beside me. He loves me.
I am a friend of God. Not because of anything I am or do. Simply because, for whatever reason, He chose me. His friendship doesn’t rely on me. It relies on Him - and He is unchanging.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Weekly Impressions - Brooding
Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”
One of the reasons that I struggle with depression and anxiety is that I brood. We don’t often use that word today, but it is a more apt verb than dwell. Brooding is precisely what I do. I continue to dwell on something that doesn’t lift me up - something that isn’t true, or that lacks honor, a wrong, something impure, or unlovely, or unworthy of praise, if you will. (Philippians 4:8) I take this thing and I brood over it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say don’t deal with sin and its consequences in your life. You have to think about these things, but brooding is when you have passed the point of thinking about them productively, and moved into unproductive thoughts and feelings: anger, fear, anxiety, depression, and so on. This is one of the areas that I struggle in.
Most often I don’t realize that I have crossed the line of productive thinking. I usually don’t catch myself until I am at least a little depressed. From there, I can see deeper depression on the horizon, but it’s difficult to pull out at that point. It doesn’t make it easier that I often forget the tools that God has given me to help.
The best thing that I have found so far, is to take the advice of Philippians 4:8, and to dwell on whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, anything excellent or worthy of praise. What better tool for that than the Bible? If there’s a verse or passage that comes to mind that speaks to what I’m brooding on, that’s best. If nothing comes to mind, then I can read passages like Philippians 4, Isaiah 51, Colossians 3, to name a few. Sometimes I thumb through my Bible and read the highlighted passages. It’s also best to pray during this time.
Then there are the times when I have sunk so low that I can’t focus on what I’m reading or praying. My mind just keeps wandering back to brooding. If I simply cannot take my thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5), then it is time for Distraction. This is where I may stretch it when Paul says anything of excellence. At that point, I am willing to look for anything of excellence to stop the downward spiral. Most often, it’s a good movie or show, or a game with friends to take my mind off of the brooding.
I don’t always remember to follow this plan. Just today, I forgot about my Bible. However, I can rest in the knowledge that though I am not perfect, God is working on me. That is a promise He has made (Philippians 1:6). I pray that He helps me to listen to His thoughts, so that I don’t get caught up in my own so often.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Greeting Cards
Greeting cards provide an easy way to write a brief encouragement to someone. Receiving one can really brighten your day. Knowing that one you wrote brightened someone else’s day can really encourage you, too.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I struggled a little more with selfishness this morning. It started with cooking breakfast for my family. I was in someone else’s kitchen (though I’m there often), and I still don’t have timing down when it comes to cooking. I ended up burning some of the bacon, cooking the toast a little more than I liked, frying the eggs longer than I liked, and not getting the sausage quite warm enough.
“Well I didn’t,” I replied off-handedly.
“Well I did.” I could hear the frustration and slight indignation in his voice, and knew that I wasn’t taking his desires into account. I was frustrated simply because things weren’t going the way that I wanted them to.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Air Filters
I don’t like being able to see the dust in the air in my house. You know when the golden sun shines through your window and you think “How pretty” until you see all of the dust particles in its rays. I know that there will always be dust in my home no matter how hard I try (and I must admit that’s pretty low on the priority list), but I am glad that air filters can take out at least some of it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Experienced Moms
My son experienced his first major wound today. He was quite the trooper!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Weekly Impressions - Time at Home
My husband and I really enjoy spending time with people. This is important - and fun - but we have found that it has gotten a little out of hand in relation to the amount of time that we spend with just each other. We live 25 minutes out of town and 45 minutes away from our church, so it’s a matter of logistics (and indulgence) that we don’t spend much time at home.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
While I am thankful for Handwriting, I am also thankful for keyboards. Paper and pen (or pencil, as suits your fancy) take far more time than a keyboard to write out a composition. This is, of course, why it’s so special to receive something handwritten.
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Written Word
I suppose as a writer it would be only natural for me to be thankful for the written word. Without the written word, we writers would be in want... wretched, woeful want. (I couldn’t resist.)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Laptops are just handy. Especially nowadays when you can take one to your nearest Starbucks or internet cafe and access just about anything you might need on your laptop on the internet. You can jot down some notes, write an essay, budget your money, pay your bills, book a trip - name almost anything and you can do it from your laptop these days.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
My son is now a year old and my husband and I have rethought his schedule. He used to go to sleep at 8pm and wake up around 7am. We’ve been wanting more time together, and with Daylight Savings ending, we got to switch our clocks back an hour.
What does this mean for us? That my son gets to go to sleep at 7pm (which is really the same time) and wake up at 6:30am (only a half hour later). We get more time together while he’s asleep at night, and are now waking up when we were originally intending to wake up. I know that the hour back works to many toddler’s parents’ detriment in having to wake up super early, but it actually worked in our favor. The Lord is gracious.
Toward the beginning of my son’s life, we had a pretty on-demand schedule for him. He would eat at about this time and I didn’t have a handle on when he slept. When we started to get him onto more of a schedule, we discovered how wonderful it is. It truly is important to prioritize your relationship with your spouse, and a schedule makes that so much easier.
So I am thankful for schedules, and that God created time the way that He did. We often feel that we don’t have enough, but I think that’s part of God’s way of teaching us how to discipline ourselves and to budget our time. Keeping priorities is vital.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
I am thankful for sleep, that it rejuvenates not only the body, but the mind. I am thankful that we can sleep on things and sometimes come out on the other end with a clearer head. I am thankful that we can go to sleep having had a bad day or night and wake up feeling refreshed and at peace. I am thankful that God created sleep.
Monday, November 5, 2012
I love getting into the water. Especially if it’s heated a little. The absolute perfect time to get in the pool is about 9:00pm, give or take a half hour. It’s the end of the day and I don’t have to rush to get things done. The water is usually at its warmest and the sun isn’t bearing down on me as I swim. I love the stillness of the night, and water adds to that relaxing feeling of stillness for me.
Another reason I love getting into the water is that it lifts the weight off of my joints. I have fibromyalgia, and my neck is also straight, so it feels heavenly to take the weight off. Few other things - if any - are able to do that. It’s one of the few places that exercise can actually feel good.
I am grateful that God created something that can so completely help me to relax while not quashing - but rather perpetuating - the desire to exercise. It feels so good that I want to swim, to move my muscles, to stretch, and to play. The trick is more along the lines of finding a pool that’s available and having the ability to get to it at that time of night! Yet God knows all things and “causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28b)
I relish the times that He gives me the opportunity to swim at night, and I am content knowing that He has something else in mind for my exercise and care - at least for now. What are some things He uses to help you relax?
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Weekly Impressions - The Gospel
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
I used to think that I was supposed to constantly remember what Jesus went through on the cross for me. However, God has shown me that this perspective isn’t really what He had in mind. Certainly, I am not trying to play down that portion of what He did for me, and it’s important to know and to understand the depth of His love for me shown within that. I find, however, that dwelling on the agony that Christ went through on the cross doesn’t lift me up, it brings me down.
Dwelling on what He saved me from and the fact that He saved me from it, lifts me up. The fact that He pulled me from the depths of the blindness and hopelessness and consequences of sin gives me cause to rejoice. I am no longer subject to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1 - “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”)
I recently read a brief summary of a book called “A Gospel Primer for Christians” by Milton Vincent that presented the idea that Christians need to preach the gospel to themselves daily. The reasoning is so that we would be constantly living in the joy of the Good News. I don’t personally have a large helping of the gift of evangelism, but I have seen this joy in those who do, and it makes perfect sense to me.
The focus of the first point of view - of dwelling on what Christ went through for me - is on myself. It brings me down because I am focused on what Christ had to go through to save me, on what my sin did to Him. Rather, I should focus on the fact that He chose to save me, and what He saved me from. The focus is thus upon God, not me. It’s what God did, not what I did. I will not perish, because He saved me and gave me everlasting life.
Are you a struggling child of God? Me, too. Let’s begin to list the things that God has done for us, beginning with sending His only begotten Son to save you and me.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Washing Machines
Whoever figured out how to make a machine that would wash your clothes for you was a genius. I have never had to hand wash my clothes with a wash board, and for this I am very thankful.
The beauty of a washing machine for me, is that it continues to work after I’ve gone to bed. All I have to do is pop the clothes in, choose the settings, pour in some soap, and hit start. Lord knows how much time I would have to spend on this mandatory chore if I had to do it by hand. I don’t have the time to fold the laundry as it is!
So I am thankful that God orchestrates the rate at which we grow technologically, and what machines are invented around the same time as one another, lest we entirely lose the balance of being able to at least do the chores necessary to continue our lives.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
I love windows. I love being able to see outside - or even inside somewhere else, because I’m not so enclosed. Windows allow me to see outside of my own little world. Whether I’m at work in my office, or at home in my living room, they remind me that the world is bigger than my own little box.
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